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Build the project using Docker


You will need Docker (with Compose plugin) installed and running on your machine.

We recommend using Docker Desktop on macOS / Windows and using Docker Server distribution for your Linux distribution of choice. Use installation instructions provided in the links above.


git clone -c core.longpaths=true -c core.autocrlf=true # this avoids problems on Windows filesystems
cd nika
git submodule update --init --recursive
docker compose pull


docker compose build

🚀 Run

docker compose up --no-build

This command will launch 2 Web UIs on your machine:

  • sc-web - localhost:8000
  • dialogue web UI - localhost:3033

We've set our system to rebuild KB on each restart. If you're debugging some specific subset of your knowledge base you may want to change repo.path to exclude the folders you don't need.

If you do not want to rebuild KB on relaunch, you can comment out the REBUILD_KB environment variable in docker-compose.yml. You can use docker compose run --rm problem-solver build to rebuild KB manually.


Windows-specific problems:

  • Docker images built on your computer are not launching correctly and logging something along these lines: bash\r: No such file or directory

    Solution: please make sure your Git repo is configured to be compatible UNIX line endings

    cd nika
    git config --local core.autocrlf true
  • Git cannot clone repos or submodules, error looks like error: unable to create file ... (file too long)

    Solution: please make sure your Git repo has longpaths config option enabled:

    cd nika
    git config --local core.longpaths true

Common issues:

  • Docker images cannot be built locally. Error: status: the --mount option requires BuildKit

    Solution: Please note that you'd only need it for custom images, you can launch our system without building images yourself. Use the Docker Docs BuildKit reference to enable Docker BuildKit on your computer. In case you're using Windows, you could use $env:DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1 while building in PowerShell.

  • Help! My problem-solver container is unhealthy

    Looks like your container didn't start properly. There are two main reasons for this: violated start_period (in case it naturally takes a lot of time to launch our system on your hardware) or faulty server instance. Since there are 2 reasons to this problem, we'll provide 2 solutions.

    Solution 1: Increasing start_period in docker-compose.yml might help you.

    Solution 2: Check known issues, and in case your problem is not reported yet, create a new one!