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Phrase generation agent

It is an agent that generates a sc-link with the reply message text, where sc-variables names substitued with constant sc-links contents from knowledge base. This agent is called by StandartMessageReplyAgent to do this work and it returns the own result to him for answering the user question.

Action class:



  1. replyMessageNode that is the result of StandartMessageReplyAgent;

  2. phraseLink is a sc-link with a text template.


  • The agent tryes to get templateNode, that connected with phraseLink by nrel_phrase_template norole relation;

  • Then it seeks for arguments of the template - parametersNode, this node is connected with actionAddr by rrel_3 role relation;
  • After this the PhraseGenerationAgent generates sc-link by template using templateNode, parametersNode and phraseLink;
  • The language of created sc-link depends on language of phraseLink. If there is a lang_ru node and a constant positive role relation from lang_ru to phraseLink, then the agent creates similiar role relation from lang_ru to linkResult. If the agent can't find the language of this sc-link, he doesn't create any relation;
  • In the sc-link the agent finds all sc-variables and using the templateNode choose necessary sc-elements from knowledge base. SC-variables are replaced by identifiers of these sc-elements, that were found;
  • The final sc-link connects with actionAddr by nrel_result norole relation, PhraseGenerationAgent finishes his work.


Example of an input structure:

Example of an output structure:


Possible result codes:

  • SC_RESULT_OK - the reply message is generated.
  • SC_RESULT_ERROR - internal error, answer can't be found.
  • SC_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS - the action has no reply message or phrase link.